Well it seems like my streak of bad luck with my automobile (name still pending) has been coming along unabated. The car i have been driving has gone through loads of fender-benders and it has gotten to a point whereby ive grown pretty sick of driving. The thing is, most accidents ive been in usually involve other fuckers on the road who are plain negligent. This most recent example happened coz a fucking cement mixer drove along MRR2 without securing its flappy-thingy at its rear, which constantly dripped huge chunks of debris flying onto roadgoers on that fateful night, and many hit my car, this one happened to hit my car alot harder, at a sensitive spot. SOB SOB...
But seriously one does wonder what we can do in such cases. Yes i can hear people screaming out to me "GO CLAIM FUCKING INSURANCE MORON!" well, i thank them for their wisdom but i retort by saying FUCK YOU. The sad truth is my reflexes are so focused on driving to the extent that my memory becomes forfeit. I admit, im not very good at multitasking, and my brain shuts off other activities while im driving. So when something happens, it just slips my mind till later when i contemplate on it and hit my own head for being so stupid while saying "WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??". And besides, claiming insurance will reset the No-Claim Bonus (NCB) every insurance holder has, therefore increasing the premium one has to pay every year. Im sure im not the only one who has problems dealing with such situations when it spontaneously arrives. (or am I??)
I just wish we had more traffic cameras on the road and the transport authorities could have solid proof on video of the idiot and his act, which caused damage. What i mean here is that i wish the transport authority could have more control over its roads, monitoring for miscreants who are the culprits of hit-and-run attacks, and the like. I mean come on. We are paying road tax, only for us to be all alone and unassisted when things like this happen to us. I just had a thought that the traffic authorities should have a more proactive role in safeguarding its motorists from such morons who pose a hazard to other road users.
I mean think about it: imagine if the debris hit motorcyclists (actually it would be good if it hit rempits :P) and hit their helmets or body parts with such velocity that was powerful enough to shatter the thick glass headlamp on my car. The effects could have been devastating. I wasnt on the road long enough to see the effects it had on other motorists but I am sure it was utter carnage.
All i'm saying is that I just want solid evidence of the fucker so i can go sue him for negligent driving on public roads, and I dont have it! Argh.. Well ill be off to junkyards to look at some spare parts to bolt on or replaced the cracked 'eye', and my fingers are crossed as to how much it will cost. Pray for me, or in this case, my wallet...