Ok after moving to our new home, the boredom levels have reached unsurpassed levels of greatness. Since our house is still too cluttered to even consider bringing in the new television sets we just bought, we have no telly to watch. Furthermore, my lil bro's xbox 360 crashed before we moved, and is undergoing some corrective surgery (may god save its soul, poor creature. sigh..) so anyway, as we were extremely bored, and to avoid our eventual deaths by it, a spontaneous plan sprang out of nowhere. We were having lunch, and it went on like this. Me: Bil boring gila dowh. Bro: Tu la. Me: Where to go? Bro: Ampang point? Me: Fuck u. Hate that place. Bil: Then where to go? Me: Dunno. Home?? Bro: Fuck u. Boring la bodoh at home. Go somewhere la. Me: Why don't we go to the zoo?? Bro: Wokeyy.
So off we headed, to the zoo. But a word of warning: do be aware that the zoo is a FUCKING EXPENSIVE PLACE. Especially if you are above 12. So we had to fork out 15 PER PAX to enter. FIFTEEN BUCKS?? IS IT WORTH IT?? That question initially pinged around in my mind. Mixed feelings, and a shrug of shoulders ensue. But here is a list of results as to why it is, and it isn't worth going to the zoo:
Reasons why the zoo isn't worth it:
1) the penguinS enclosure only has ONE penguin. :(
2) the primates enclosure consists of balding monkeys who are stressed out, the likes of which
can be seen along the streets of malaysia asking for money (ok i made that last part up :P)
3) the river fishes area has empty aquarium tanks and *GASP* DEAD FUCKING FISH IN ONE OF THEM! :@
4) some animals seem so sad and i can relate to their sadness. Its much like being stuck in my uni, except for the fact that we aren't stuck. But when we are there, we look like them alot. :P
But there are plus points too, of which i managed to catch some pictures of. Enjoy:

The Aldabra (forgot how it was spelt :P) tortoise enclosure had a hole at the bottom which allowed us homo sapiens to feed them with leaves and the like. And so it ponderously ate the food we gave it. THE SIZE OF ITS HEAD IS AS LARGE AS MY HAND!! SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!

The Sun Bear actually came closer to inspect one of their kind (FB u see :P) when i came close. One of them even posed and stood on its hind legs, in time for me to take a picture!!! KEWLNESS!

Now the moat surrounding the tigers enclosure is supposed to keep them at bay. But when my bro and i came closer to look at the tigers, they SWAM in the moat TOWARDS US! or towards me particularly. (i think it saw me as an exeptionally fleshy and juicy piece of meat, just waiting for its fangs to sink into.) The fear was intense and with the Singapore Zoo thingy still fresh in our minds, my bro and i backed off and moved on.

Ok the highlight was the elephants. Yes yes we paid to feed the elephants (the Zoo is a money sucking pig, for we were charged 3 bucks for 2 sugar cane stumps. Idiots.). So it was with such grace and compassion (:P) that i gave the food to the elehant. This was not the elephant that i 'connected' with, for when i stood at the railings, one of them actually came close to me. Right in front of me in fact, and we stood, seeing eye to eye. I saw its sadness and wished i could pat it without being mauled. Poor creature. We can relate to each other being ugly.. LOL. But i really love elephants. Makes me sad seeing one that sad. But at least i fed it making it a bit happier! :D
Well the zoo was, all in all, an ok place. The awesome parts just managed to cover and overshadow the bad parts, and i actually am looking forward to going there again to bond with the animals, if time and the depth of my wallet permits! Next project would be either a trip to the botanical gardens, bird park or the museum. So stay tuned! FB out!
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