Well where do i start. Its been a while since i got all sentimental and teary over my family, but i guess of late its time to start pondering over stuff. The demerits of entering adulthood i suppose. Lol. Anyway, this time its about my little bro. Who isn't little anymore, if one can call someone who is extremely well chiselled and buff little, then you ought to get shot. By the stupid gun.
Anyway, Nabil was born into unfortunate times. His birth was the exact same moment when my granddad passed on. Well a day or two adrift but yeah its kinda like a direct replacement, so his second name was made in memory of our granddad (Nabil Osman, geddit?). The dude was the cutest baby i've ever seen and was as fat as fuck. And having curly hair and being fair just added to that cuteness. He was living a good life, excelling in studies till our mom passed on. I was 12 when that happened; while he was 8. It was an extremely harrowing experience, and i must admit that it hit him pretty hard. Somehow the effects can be seen till today. He has been rather quiet, withdrawn, and lacking in skills to talk to people.
Actually I am partly to blame for his regression in social conduct. This is because i was, believe it or not, an antisocial fucktard, who was so self conscious and quiet, till i could not even approach and talk to anyone. And my lil brother followed me, thinking i was a worthy role model. As years progressed, i stepped out of that phase and still remained a fucktard, but more of an aloof joker who can get abit too crazy sometimes. But the sad thing was as i left that phase rather easily, the same couldn't be said for him. So till today he is rather quiet and has a bit of issues warming up to people, only being loud and crazy with people he trusts and has been with for a long time.
Well i do make it seem as though it is all bad, but alas, NO! What god taketh with one hand, he giveth with the other. Although he lacks the social skills of his brother, he obviously makes up with smashing good looks and a body frame to die for. There have been many who have told me he looks like an actor. It has been a common experience for me to get so many comments from my peers and family members telling me 'god ur brother is soooooooo hawt!' or 'why is he so hawt and u look like... meh..' only for me to reply coolly 'yeah, i know' or 'dunno' respectively before contemplating on the easiest and fastest means to end my life due to the feeling of inadequacy that hits me like a sledgehammer.
Actually i have a theory. And my theory is that most eldest siblings are kinda fucked in one way or another coz its the first time the genetics learn to procreate, and so will every now and then mess up a bit. But when it comes to the second sibling they kinda say to themselves 'ok we shall not fuck it up this time around' and thus churn out something slightly better (or worse, depending on how fucked the genetics are. lol) the formula improves ever so slightly down the scale of siblings so much so that the younger ones tend to be the best at some stuff or look the best or some shit like that. But what cannot be denied is that most parents love the eldest one to death coz they know how screwed up their genetics are. LOL.
Well my lil bro and i have this love hate thing going on, much similar to other siblings. We are damn derogative to each other up front, which will easily break others down, and we almost always get into physical bouts where i always manage to assert who the boss is in this kingdom (i told him the only time he will beat me is when im using a walking stick). but when it comes to talking about each other behind our backs, i dunno why but we almost always sing praises for each other and are proud we share the same genetics (or thats what i tell myself, so that i can 'cash in' on his looks. Lol) And he is by far the best lil bro/ slave/ nemesis/ wrestling partner/ smoking pal/ bed mate i'll ever have.
Yes, yes its all weird hearing this from me, but i guess i just felt like writing something coz he is sick at the moment. And is down with very high fever. It worries me alot, yes, but i cannot show it, to keep the spirits up, thus instead of letting it out in public where it might seem gayass, i decided to pen it down in my private blog just to let those feelings out in a good way. The blog is like a pressure release valve to prevent any unnecessary explosions. Well we will be taking him out to the doctor in a bit, and im really praying for his health. Please get well Billy Boy, ur bro needs u.
U know what i feel the same way about my younger sis...there's soul in ur writing. Totally get what u mean ;P
N its sweet what u wrote abt ur bro hahah
i get what you mean. I have 6 siblings, so the inadequacy bouts comes and goes...
but you love them no matter what.. that's what having siblings is about.
i don't think 1stborns are always destined for scrambled genes.. My sister grew up just fine. (but she has a tendency to randomly get hyper every now and then)
i enjoyed reading this entry :-P
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