This is my zodiac sign. Pisces. Notice the E and Z on both fishes
This was a guy made entirely by patterns. No outline actually..

This one is simply called 'my heart' forgive the cliches
This one is called 'flawed rose'
I guess now u have seen my pics, i have no choice but to take out my drawing pens again to continue posting pics to feed the demand.. haha. But i really do hope my skills havent leached away, and r just lying in dormant. Pray for the latter, and not the former, or i shall smite u, and wishmilak alrightey? Good day!
Ez they're awesome! Wow i ddnt know u cud draw so well!U shud bring ur drawings to UIA one day!
Well its been a while la khairun. Never really got the time to actually draw again for so long. Tends to work best when im sad or depressed. But hey will do. :) remember. privileged info! haha.. i hope the skillz are still there..
that awesome .. :) dont forget to visit My Site
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