Society. Something we are brought into, and conditioned into thinking from birth that it is something we cannot love without. Good ol wikipedia defines a society as an economic, social and industrial infrastructure, in which a varied multitue of people are a part of. Since the creation of Adam (no Darwinism nonsense here, u see. So NO NEANDERTHAL CRAP), man has shown extreme dependence towards each other, despite what most people claim in the modern world (try using this example as perspective: a supposedly inependent person is still dependent on his/her job, which is highly dependent on other people, especially demand. Geddit? If not, woe to you for your lack of intellect. Kidding.. :P). The dependence of man towards each other influenced them to form small communities, each individual with their own unique profession and uses which can be manipulated by each other, in exchange for the manipulation of skills of the other party. With the passage of time, ideals start to develop, and with the advent of technology, small communities soon develop into sprawling societies.
Now my grouse is not with the inustrial or economical aspect of society, well at least not now, for i am yet to comprehend the vast mechanics of economics and industrialization. It veers more towards the social aspect of societies. An inherent plague or flaw that i feel afflicts every society known to man. Before i begin condemning societal structures, i do admit that there are beneficial aspects of society too. Like for example racial tolerance, and the respecting of authorities, or those who are entrusted with authority. But as has been iterated before, there are some glaring faults.
The first grouse is something that stems from the haves of the society (as opposed to the have nots). I guess we are all too familiar with the word elitism, and elitists. With the vast accruement of wealth by the supposedly vastly capable people, they have started to develop a high and mighty stance, thinking that only they know whats best for the society, to the exception of the less well-heeled masses, just because they are under the impression that their wealth justifies their sudden rise to authority. This is one of the society's basic downfall, that the right of personal ownership and belongings makes people get balloon headed. This is where, i o believe, religion should come in, to help curb the rise of elitists. Im not quite sure about other religions, but Islam clearly promotes modesty as all supplements (known as rezeki) are from God, and are given to humans, either as a blessing, or as a test. But with so many people getting farther away from religion and God, its no wonder they start believing in humanism.
The second grouse is, in my opinion, that society itself has led to the degradation of human logic and intellect. Which is what i fear is happening. Society is a complex structure. Too complex to explain even in words. But i do feel like we share lots in common with the colonies of bees. Sadly though we initially have more freedom and intellect, we are slowly heading down the direction of the bees; where the lesser individuals become 'drones' and simply live to perform their functions to ensure the mechanisms of the society, in the fundamental and basic level, are well oiled. The higher individuals, on the other hand, get to bask in the glory of self awareness and intellect, or 'the finer things in life', and often make decisions (often wanton and brash) that would affect the whole mechanics of the society. You can see the similarities there already. To make this happen, those who are in the higher echelons of authority have implemented various methods of curbing intellect, in one way or another. Here are the following things ive noticed
1) The basic fact that segregation according to profession is one way that one's intellect is limited. Instead of the freedom of most subjects we used to study in primary and lower secondary levels, we are suddenly segregated into various professions, and will never learn what others in differing fields will. Granted that it may help the society at large, it is doing so at the expense of individual intellect and the downplaying of massive intellectual potential we humans have.
2) The other fact is that media, in itself, has become a massively powerful brainwashing and subliminal tool to curb the intellect. This in turn diminishes the capability to critically analyze and comprehend vastly confounding issues, which is a boon to those in authority, as authority, which has developed into law, should never be questioned. Pandemonium among the higher echelons of society would ensue if the lower levels of society start questioning the capabilities and decisions made by them on how the society itself is run.
3) The ultimate coup de grace (pronounced grah) supporting my theory regarding the flaws of the degradation of intellect is evident in the fact that in some countries (i do not need to name places promulgating such laws), freedom of speech is limited, and if one transgresses such 'freedoms' and 'liberties', massively severe sanctions would be imposed. See even in some other countries, as has been hotly debated, there is freedom of speech, but what the authorities giveth in one hand, they taketh with the other. As a retaliation of allowing freedom of speech, all speech itself is usually monitored and tracked to make sure someone still doesnt talk loadsa shit and gets away with it.
There are actually many more social issues, but those are more of the obvious that many people see (hedonism, promiscuous behaviour, animalistic behaviour, etc.). Hence I dont do obvious, and the DUH factor should be kept to an all time low, at least in this blog. Im just here bringing forth hidden issues for you, my dear reader, to be more informed and i do hope that this shall become an eye opener on issues that plague most of the societies that we live in. How we solve it is such a slow process that is perhaps irrepairable, at least during our generation. All we can do for now is to make more people realise, albeit in an indirect manner, and try go against the flow, and to not succumb to the subliminal brainwashing that we have been subjected to all this while, and to become the best and to fully utilise the potential that has been engrained within us as human beings.
So to conclude, in relation to the title being 'united we stand, divided we fall', take into account a stack of cards forming a house (again a lack of better example. apologies :P). If they are stacked together to form a house, some cards may bend under the weight of supporting the whole house, unable to be as straight as they used to be alone. But if alone, they will be straight, but will not be able to stand at all. So its a double edged sword. See all the things are fine and well on a basic level involving society, that we as humans cannot live without it. And yet i just firmly believe that society should not be limiting human potential and become a burden to the underprivileged just to provide luxuries for the more affluent individuals. Thats my two cents. Do tell me if u believe otherwise.
Damn i still feel as though im making my own fucking conspiracy theory. So i better end with an exemption clause, to prevent any ISA debauchery. My defence is plain and simple: there were no specific states, nations or countries outlined, and one only needs to ponder on the theories and apply them accordingly. Application of such theories to ones society is up to ones own discretion, and the writer shall not be held liable for inciting such thoughts on a specific level, nor influence anyone to take matters to a level higher than blogging and online ranting. Thank you. FB out.
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