Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quotable quotes 2

Was eating at burger king the other day, by myself, as per normal (show me no pity, for i enjoy the solitude. Best excuse i can think of :P) when i had an epiphany. A gastronomic epiphany to be exact, one that came to me while i was actually chomping down on my food.. You see, most burger kings have this bloody annoying television that shows all sorts of advertisements from desperate companies. Typically it can drive a person insane, and would actually force them to fling or throw something towards the direction of the tv just to destroy it. I was on the verge of cursing and verbally abusing it, but my patience came into fruition, when like a glimmering halo, there was a quote shining from the television which i hated so, which went something like this:

'When a person (or company) believes that success has been achieved, then progress stops.'

Now that left me pondering: what itself is success? how can one gauge that he or she has succeeded? of course its an intangible thing, but who determines success? is it from past generations? is it from the elites? or is it from some divine source? i guess some people believe it stems from society itself. Success is engrained from the various fragments of peoples opinions, culminating into something of a collected opinion. Like for example the fact that success almost always has to involve money and a good job is one of the examples of collective thoughts of the society culminating into one entity. One more fact is that success, in itself, is a very playful and deceptive thing; one moment u think u almost have it in ur grasp, then u find out that u just missed it, and it flutters away, getting that bit farther and requiring more effort to get close to, and thus, the whole savage cycle begins all over again. And so i started getting scared, and thinking, (still munching my food actually) what if success itself is an illusion engrained in our minds?? what if its just a fallacy? a fucking FARCE?? like the oft cited, overused, and overrated word Love?? (my fear of that word shall be elaborated in one of my future blogs. Thou shalt be rewarded with mine story if thou stay tuned :P) Then after much consideration (And while gulpng down on coke. Must be a caffeine intoxicated mind :P), i understood something, and came up with a conclusion: you see, many people consider success as how they are viewed in the eyes of many, or in other words, other people. There is where the root of all problems relating to success begin. Success has to be a personal goal. Something one creates with his own logic and intellect, in relation to his own capabilities and skills. In other words, success has to be a personal magnitude of how far one has to go, and has come in life, and achievements that have been gained. I do believe the moment one can look back and say 'whoa, ive actually succeeded,' is when one is lyng on one's deathbed, awaiting death's cold embrace. Success can never be attained until every morsel of ones energy and will is spent to get to that point. Therefore the striving for success must always be a lifelong endeavour.. That is my two cents.

Now talking about endeavours, i guess the basic lesson of the quote was to never ever be complacent, and that complacency is an ultimate dream and wish killer. Complacency puts a person in a false sense of pride and security, before ultimately revealing the inadequacies and flaws, often in a brutal and savage way, and usually bringing devastating results. For a lack of better examples, its like a sheep being led into a building, believing that it shall be laudered and prized, only to find out once inside, that the building was actually an abbatoir (Yes i know, i know, im a brutal and evil bugger. But then again its my blog. FOLLOW THE COMMANDMENTS. I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT. Helps to paint a better picture anyways :P) So complacency is a dangerous trait that shall ultimately lead to a persons downfall, luring them into a false thought of success, only to reveal that they are as far away from success as before. So my personal advice is if u see a cocksure n complacent person, try to advise them of their shortcomings, and if the advice falls on deaf ears, smile knowingly at them, and try to imagine them being sheep who are unbeknowingly trotting (is that what sound a sheep makes? i thought it was a horse :P) into the abbatoir. Cheer urself up on the processes that happen in the abbatoir itself. lol. So just stick around n enjoy the show! haha..

Ultimately for those too lazy to read the whole story and my rantings, success should be individually defined, and one should never ever be complacent, or else be reminded of an abbatoir :P. For those who read the whole thing, i applaud ur perseverance and persistence, and if u dont agree with any of my points, all i can say is 'EN GARDE' :P FB out..


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