These past few days i've been around comforting and helping a number of people (client confidentiality, so no names shall be revealed :P) through their toughest times. One thought did come to me. Why were we humans created with emotions, and why are we so caught up and susceptible to it??
Emotions are, i guess, what makes us living beings. I think that on a basic level, all animals have emotions. As nat geo has pointed out once before, even elephants have mourning sessions if their member of the herd dies. If thats not emotions, then iuno what is. haha.. We humans build on that basic level of emotions, and just find it a hell of alot easier to express them (though i do know im not speaking for the majority, you must agree with me that even the majority have a simpler time revealing their emotions than, say, a cat?? if not then u dont deserve to live n should not read this blog, simpleton. BEGONE :P) anyways back to the topic, emotions exist in all of us, and we find various ways of letting them out and expressing them.
As we all know, emotions can be our best friend and worst enemy. Apart from the many benefits it can bring, it can help us become very artsy and can provide a constant income (e.g. most artists paint how they feel. Thats why they can fetch millions and garner such acclaim. They successfully managed to pen down their emotions for the perusal and appreciation of others.). It can also help us bond with those who we care about and foster closer ties between us and others. Now that is all well and good.
But the past few days i have seen how emotions have affected others in such a way that i wonder why emotions have to be engrained in us.
Before we dig deeper on this issue, i do have to confess that i myself am a victim of my emotions, but i guess its gotten to a point when i can suffer for a bit, then turn out (almost) alright after that part of being sad. Its like a phoenix being reborn out of the ashes of its previous incarnation. Sounds corny yes, but its something like that..:) so although i have suffered so much shit in my life, i just cant force myself to dwell on them. But they do leave a bit of scars. I must say that one scar that refuses to go away is that my confidence levels have not been as high as i hoped, and though i can be ok with girls and talking to them as friends, the number of rejections and break ups i've endured have made me think twice (no actually hundreds of times) on trying to approach a girl i like. All i can do is give subtle hints, and if the girl can sense something, at least give a hint that she wont reject me before i pop the big question, and hope for the best. This is also after the passage of time, considering our compatibility and many other scientific factors such as climate, humidity, temperature, air pressure, distance from the sea, time of day, the cycle of the moon and most importantly the all elusive feng shui, coz such things should never be rushed..;)
Now back to the story, my friends have been through their fair share of problems, and it is all because of emotions. Dependence, solace, the overrated word LOVE.. And when they do reveal their emotions to someone whom they trust, it entitles the other person to become an ungrateful bastard and thus ending up destroying or betraying the emotions of the person who trusted them, filthy swines. Now that itself is another sucky thing. That there are humans, if we can call them that, who love playing with others emotions. They lure the person into a sense of trust, before crushing them and betraying their trust. (if u, dear reader, are one of them, GET LOST. i do not need your kind to come to my blog. BEGONE TO U TOO :P) these people are spineless bastards who deserve to be castrated or utterly destroyed, without leaving so much as a morsel of pity for their indignant and idiotic souls.
Another problem about being emotionally attached to someone is that you will be utterly dependent on them. And when that person is gone, it is so hard to get back on your feet, you have a feeling that your feet were (or was) your person who you confided in, and losing him or her is like losing your legs altogether. It just is that hard. I know this for i felt it many times before.
It now seems like emotions are more of a bane than a boon, and it really bugs me that we as humans are created with such a defect within ourselves. Its a sad fate to befall us. But in truth, emotions can be a boon to us. One only needs to control it, and on a darker note, sometimes let the rational and ruthless part of the human psyche take over, without the emotions cutting in.
One of these ways is through a theory called 'Thick Face, Black Heart'. It was from a book lent to me by my ex (for those who question my sexuality, its a SHE. :P), about how to succeed in life by being a ruthless person. It is a really good book, and it teaches you the dark art of blocking out your emotions. I was quite intrigued by it, yet was completely aghast and disgusted with what i read. The theory itself is divided into 2: firstly, is the thick face. One must know how to hide one's will from others, and helps conceal the black heart within us. Secondly is the black heart itself. One must know how to impose ones will on others. Basically the theory revolves around imposing your will on others in a subtle and unnoticable manner, and one of the most important ways to achieve this is by being able to block out your emotions, and compassion. Now this is another extreme taken. To block out ones emotions completely. This itself has many drastic and horrific side effects (this is evident with my ex, but shall remain confidential till further notice :) ), leaving you despised, feared, hated and shunned by other people, for emotions are what makes us human, and not having them just makes us seem less 'human', and we become distanced from the ones close to us before dabbling in this dark art.
It is evident now that having too much of emotions can lead to our eventual downfall, and yet not having any will impact us in a mentally drastic way too. We need emotions, but as with everything in life, there must be moderation. We must be able to combine both having emotions, and not having emotions, which is in line with one of my mottos in life, 'different faces for different places'. Of the many applications of this motto, one of them is that one has to know when to be full of emotion, and when the time comes, know when to be devoid of it, and once you have mastered this, you have the world in the palm of your hands, and you can rule it! MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Just dont forget where you got it from - this humble little blog mostly full of shyeat! To those who read this and if you have any questions or details that need to be divulged or rectified, im sure you know where to get me. And if you do not agree with me, i shall bid you EN GARDE again. But thanks for reading anyway. Fb out..
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