Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm BAAAAAACKK!!! :D But Uni's back too.. :(

Well this has been a pretty long hiatus from blogging. Apart from the dried out brain, was actually enjoying my last few days of liberty before the great slog in the fields begin yet again. And yes to the uninitiated i am talking about University starting again. Sigh. Well here are the things i am thinking about and planning to do when University starts. My next semester's resolve, i guess.

1) Go get fit with Syazwan, who has offered me his fitness expertise to get me in shape. Really trying to follow what people often tell me, that i look good (as if. Haha.. But i do thank them for their flattering comments) and that i'm like a diamond in the rough. Well in this case its a diamond lodged inside so much adipose tissue :P

2) To actually go study a bit more than last semester, which was so screwed up my neurones in my brain have automatically decided to forget all the shit that happened, except towards the end when i hung out alot with my friends who helped me get back on my feet, leaving me with awesome memories :) Though i would wanna study more at the library, so prepare to see this face in the library apart from classes.

3) With help from resolution number 2, i hope to increase my pointer (gpa) to above 3.4 at least this time, helping increase my average cgpa.

4) Try to actually COME TO MORE CLASSES, despite ALL CLASSES starting at 8 IN THE MORNING. Last semesters attendance was appalling, and perhaps that partly led me to my measly grades. THIS HAS TO END OR I SHALL SMITE MYSELF.

5) To be closer to select friends, simoultaneously distancing myself from other 'friends' who have 'helped' me to no end. Names shall not be uttered, but you all know who you are :)/:(

6) Try to be active in the only club i am in, which is Tan Sri Ahmad Ibrahim Legal Research Group (i shall not spell out its shortened form to avoid embarrassment to myself and the group) also despite my measly track record with co-curricular programs.

7) Make sure I do not leave bad impressions to lecturers and be kewl with them.

8) Remaining a low profile person, often being unseen, only coming to class and leaving soon after, and not to be wholly dependant on cliques like how i used to be.

Well yeah i guess thats about it for now. Again as with everything in this blog, i shall update my resolutions if and when i see fit, and this is an inexhaustive blog, so keep coming back again if u have the time and attention span to keep up with me and my irregular blogging. As for now, FB out!


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